I've been having a Bones marathon on Netflix lately. In case you aren't familiar with this TV show, it stars Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz. According to IMDb, the show can be summed up as "A forensic anthropologist and a cocky FBI agent build a team to investigate death causes." I would go one step further and say it can be summed up as "A forensic anthropologist who must have the world's biggest jewelry box because she wears at least one new necklace every episode and a cocky FBI agent build a team to investigate death causes." It's true. Every time I watch it I eagerly check out Dr. Brennan for her new piece of bling. After watching 3 episodes in a row the other day, I took a break to do what every bored person with a computer does, Google search random thoughts and observations. In this instance I ran "Bones necklaces" through the webbed think tank and now I have way more information about said topic than I really needed. The two highlights of my search were 1) a site that has a photograph of every necklace anyone ever wore on the show (and I thought I was bored!) and 2) the following comment to an in-depth look at the jewelry of Bones. "Weird taste although who am I to judge I hate almost all jewelry." THEN WHY WERE YOU READING, WATCHING VIDEO FROM, AND COMMENTING ON AN ARTICLE ALL ABOUT VERY SPECIFIC JEWELRY?? Okay, maybe all caps was overkill. Here is the video The Neck With the Necklace about the jewelry artist for Bones. Also check out the photos from the site mentioned above. I do admire all the work that went into compiling this photo collection! http://bonesnecklaces.tumblr.com
I have been obsessed with clock faces for many years. More specifically, I love certain clock face number styles. People often ask me what it is that makes me have to have certain clocks or watches, but I'm usually at a loss. "I just love it!" I say with unenlightened enthusiasm before frowning sadly at the price tag. Naturally, the cutest clocks end up being the most expensive. I've managed to collect a nice assortment of vintage, nonworking clocks nevertheless; enough for people to periodically look around my living room in a confused "What time is it??" kind of a way. But before I could cross that final line and slide down the murky slope into now-it's-not-decorative-just-creepy land, I discovered wristwatch faces. Why these wonderful bits of seeming uselessness never entered my clock-loving radar before I'll never know. But now they're here and there is no turning back. Of course, after sorting gleefully through my gradually growing watch face collection, the question eventually arose. What could I actually do with these? And from that question came the advent of Ripples With Time because when you love something...wear it!
Ripples With TimeMaking jewelry and writing about all things similar and completely unrelated. Archives
February 2016